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Connecting Seas

The  Connecting Seas – NorthSEE- Baltic LINes MSP conference
The conference brought together more than 200 participants from the Marine Spatial Planning community representing different ministries and authorities, stakeholders from the shipping, energy and environment sector, transnational organizations and initiatives, NGOs as well as research institutes from both regions.

Representatives, experts and stakeholders from two sea basins, will exchange knowledge and discover the future trends in MSP with a focus on shipping, energy and environment.


Content of the workshop was provided in advance, but the main messages might still be a little bit unknown.
Key informations, ideas and insights of the presentations and discussion were visually captured on a large poster.

Every workshop had a ‘reporter’ that will inform me about the key topics which were discussed during their workshop, to be included on the poster.

After the event, the picture was used for further communication (e.g. intranet, presentations, print)
