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IMMERSE North See Project – Final Conference


“IMMERSE aims to accelerate the implementation of large-scale measures that address multiple estuary management challenges, while increasing their cost-efficiency and enhancing stakeholder commitment. The 11 project partners focus on 7 estuaries in the North Sea Region”

Main Topics of the conference were:

  • IMMERSE philosophy and key achievements – IMMERSE Solutions
  • Intro to estuarine environments + environmental and societal challenges
  • What is needed to ensure good estuary management – and how does policy contribute to sustainable estuaries?
  • Key informations, ideas and insights of the presentations and discussion werde visually captured (digitally/ electronically)
  • The Workshops had a ‘reporter’ that informed me about the key topics which were discussed during their workshop, to be included on the poster.
  • At the end of the conference, the visualization was used to present the summary and conclusions of the Conference.
  • After the event, the picture was used for further communication (e.g. final report, intranet, presentations)


