Foto’s: (c) Krisztian Juhasz


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5th European River Restoration Conference


The 5th European River Restoration Conference was held from 11-13 September 2013 in Vienna, Austria. Over 300 participants joined in presentations and workshops by a wide range of speakers, from high ranking European officals to enthousiastic practitioners.


I created a  1,5 by 3,0 meter large graphic recording showing all issues related to river restoration, different stakeholder and various perspectives on the topic. The illustrations are based on keynote presentations and workshops, as well as on input from the participants, who were invited to comment and give feedback during the session breaks.

At the afternoon reception, the Quatschtronaut helped “restoring the river of thoughts” of the participants by means of an entertaining performance.

The visualization was used for a  wrap up presentation at the end of the conferene. After the event, the document has been distributed online to all participants for further internal and external communication purposes.

Client/ Organizer:


“Christian Ridder, our very own conference artist managed to transform and distil the complex world of water into a brilliant visually engaging approach to river restoration, which took up an entire wall of the conference centre!”
Source: ERRC 2013 Newsletter #7 October 2013